會 長: 林津牧師
President: The Rev LAM Chun, Tim
副會長: 曾立基先生
Vice-President: Mr Tsang Lap-ki, Richard
書 記: 何慧儀牧師
Secretary: The Rev HO Wai-yee, Winnie
司 庫: 吳志昌先生
Treasurer: Mr NG Chi-cheong, Allen
總幹事: 李紹基先生
General Secretary: Mr LEE Siu-kei , Keith
香港聯區聯區長: 余勝意牧師
Superintendent, Hong Kong Circuit: The Rev YU Shing-yee
九龍東聯區聯區長: 黃惠嫦牧師
Superintendent, Kowloon East Circuit: The Rev WONG Wai-sheung, Sally
九龍西聯區聯區長: 何慧儀牧師
Superintendent, Kowloon West Circuit: The Rev HO Wai-yee, Winnie
國際禮拜堂聯區聯區長: 范爾敦牧師
Superintendent, International Church Circuit: The Rev Eden Fletcher
宣教牧養部部長: 張國良牧師
Head of the Missions & Pastoral Care Division: The Rev CHEUNG Kwok-leung
社會服務部部長: 王澤堂牧師
Head of the Social Services Division: The Rev WONG Chak-tong
信徒培訓部部長: 杜敏玲牧師
Head of the Laity Training Division: The Rev TO Man-ling
學校教育部部長: 余恩明牧師
Head of the School Education Division: The Rev YU Yan-ming
學校教育部副部長(中學): 趙秀娟牧師
Deputy Head of the School Education Division (Secondary Schools): The CHIU Sau-kuen, Ada
學校教育部副部長(小學): 曾兆基先生
Deputy Head of the School Education Division (Primary Schools): Mr TSANG Siu-kei
學校教育部副部長(幼稚園幼兒園): 何陳淑薇女士
Deputy Head of the School Education Division (Kindergartens/Nurseries): Mrs HO CHAN Shuk-mei, Pearl